Upgrading PHP

By default, PHP that's on Linux VPS is version 5.1.6.
In case your web application requires version a higher version, you can simply upgrade PHP using Yum package manager.

Note that in CentOS repo, PHP 5.3.x binaries are named as php53. Thus you can't directly upgrade version 5.1.6 to version 5.3.x. You have to remove PHP 5.1.6 and then install php53.
To make things easier, we'll use a different repository wherein we can just do a yum update php - http://www6.atomicorp.com/channels/atomic/

- Download and run the autoinstaller.
wget -q -O - http://www.atomicorp.com/installers/atomic | sh
- Once it's done, issue the following command:
yum --enablerepo=atomic update php
** Other dependencies will also be upgraded.

If you're not very familiar with Linux, kindly contact our Technical Support team and they will help you with it.
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